Thursday, January 20, 2011

Babies Don't Keep

Cleaning and scrubbing will wait till tomorrow,
for babies grow up, we’ve learned to our sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.
I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.
by Ruth Hulburt Hamilton
Despite my requests, she's getting older.. and huge. My 3 month old baby fills out her 6 month onsies perfectly. Don't get me wrong, all of the new things that she is doing are great. We are one push away from rolling over. She strikes up conversation constantly. Car rides are a little more tolerable and she is almost always sleeping through the night. Tomorrow it will be high heels, cell phones and boyfriends. I find myself wanting to hold her constantly. It's a never ending battle of turning my sweet girl into a spoiled baby by holding her all the time, yet still wanting to hold and play with her as much as she'll let me. Like now for instance. She's is perfectly content playing with her toys. How dare she look at me with a huge smile, it only makes me want to pick her up and kiss her incessantly. Thank goodness for me, she still acts like she enjoys it. Caved. Typing will slow down now, as she is sitting in my lap hitting the keyboard.
My mom  had this poem up in the laundry room growing up. This morning when I was rocking the baby, thinking off all of the other things that I could be doing around the house, the line "..babies don't keep" came to mind. Of course it would be nice if I got up, showered, did laundry, washed dishes, vacuumed and had dinner on the table every day. In reality, people that don't even have adorable babies rarely get everything done. Since when is playing with the baby all day a bad thing? Playing airplane and flying the baby in the air really can take all day, promise. Feeding takes at least 9 hours a day, and about 6 hours is set aside for diaper changing, not to mention the 4 hour bath. Next thing you know, it's bed time and little got done that day. Yes, the point, I'm getting to that. Much to my dismay, one day soon Carter will be crawling everywhere and soon running in every which direction. I find no shame in wanting to rock my baby girl and do nothing else. Maybe my bed doesn't get made until right before Kevin gets home and the laundry goes two days instead of one. Judging by how fast the last 3 months have flown by, the next 213 are sure to as well. It will all get done at sometime, so as long as my mini likes to be rocked by her mommy, her mommy will be there to rock her. Afterall, she won't be a baby forever.

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