It's the best thing for your baby. I get that and it is why I have breastfed Carter as long as I have. When asking my guru for children rearing advice (my Mommy) about how she weened her 7 kids, the lucky duck said that we all weened ourselves. Helpful. Not. We are almost 2 years old and nursing, or asking to nurse, as much now as she did a year ago. I'm starting to regret teaching her how to talk and use sign language.
I am really struggling with continuing to breastfeed her. I feel like I should as long as she wants to for the nutritional benefits since she is not a huge eater. However, I am getting so burnt out with having her ask for it no less than 15 times a day, or every time I stop moving even for a second. I would hate to have a negative memory of our breastfeeding career. Yes, I call it a career because I feel like its my full time job.
I'm giving this milking station another two months with my fingers and toes crossed that she decides to take the chips and walk away from the table on her own. Lord willing.
That's hysterical. You should really write books! She will quit and you'll wonder, at the age of 56, why you didn't nurse longer... ha "I say no!" to quote you!