Saturday, March 3, 2012

ER Vacation

My poor little baby girl. It is the hardest thing I've ever done, watching my little baby poked and prodded and having no idea why. On the one hand, she's young enough that she won't remember any of it, on the other, she's too little to explain why all of it is happening to her.
When they walked us to the operation room doors and I had to hand her to the anesthesiologist, she grabbed on to whatever she could with her hand then wrapped her little legs around my arm. Just looking at me like "why, mommy, why?"
I know her procedure was minuscule compared to what some parents have to go through with their babies, regardless of their age. Even if she wasn't a wee little one it still would have been just as hard to watch. Any time she's in pain I just wish I could be the one doing it for her instead.
By the end of our two day hospital stay she was to the point that any other voice she heard coming in the room would make her cry. Between IV's, chest X-rays (in what looks like a baby torturing device), chest percussionist, vitals, sitting completely still for an hour for an antibiotic IV drip, I hope we don't have to do anything of this sort for a very long time. I've made it 25 years without needing the ER so hopefully she follows suit.
My heart goes out to the incredibly strong mom and dads that are no strangers to the hospital. I can't imagine dealing with that kind I helpless stress on a daily basis.
Thank the Lord for my healthy and happy baby girl, you're worth it.