Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My Political Moment

Can it please be November already?
Unfortunately, with November, silence does not come. It only gets worse.
We either listen to the rest of the Obama supporters come out and apologize for voting him in for yet a second term as "president" or we elect Romney and hear about how everything bad he does is Bush's fault.
I have only voted in one presidential election and clearly my candidate did not win, hence, Barack Obama. This is my first election where I genuinely have been affected by the horrible policy changes this pseudo president has implemented.
Scenario number one. Obamacare. Care? Really? That's almost as hilarious as Michelle Obama promoting a healthy lifestyle to children. The health care in this country has plummeted. Wait. Unless you are among the same people that don't work and live off of the government. But what if you work? You go into your job Monday through Friday to try and provide for yourself and your family without a handout from the government? When told "sorry, your coverage sucks, you should just get Obama care because your insurance can't help you" it makes you wonder how many of these lazy POS' in this country would HAVE to work if they weren't being nursed daily by the government. What ever happened to a sense of pride? Hard work anyone??
I'm also the recipient to many conversations regarding shitty employees. With 23 million people out of work you would think the pool to choose from would be epic. Oh contrare, instead of having a bunch of poor Americans who have been laid off and are viciously searching for work, you have millions of  people that have been supported by the government for so long that they have no need for an actual job. Like getting up in the morning and taking orders from someone who has worked their ass off to even create that job sounds like more fun than watching The View and eating Oregon Trail food. This country has quickly created a generation of lazy, entitled adults that would rather sit on their ass and do nothing than to have an actual job.
With the exception of a few obnoxious commercials and Internet posts, I have steered clear of election propaganda. There are few things as annoying as banter going back and forth about how we are better off now than we were four years ago because Bin Laden is dead. It takes more to win my vote than to completely bash the war and say how horrible it is, up until our Navy Seals capture a terrorist and you are fortunate enough to take all of the credit.
Until we have someone in office that cuts spending, we are screwed. You can raise and lower taxes. Tax the people who make more, because, lets face it, they should have to support more people because they are use to working harder than the rest of the country. Even if you raise their taxes to pay down the 16 trillion (and counting) dollars in debt we have, the pig of a government will just find more places to blow the money. If the money is coming in, they will find SOMEWHERE to put it in order to insure getting the money again because they "need it."
From someone who has been in credit card debt twice, let me just say that we are not the free and happy country that we once were. As long as we owe institutions, SS, China, Japan and the UK  as munch money as we do, we aren't free. We are in debt. Trust me. It's no way to live.

Disclaimer: I realize that there are a lot of people on welfare and unemployment because they physically can not work or find work. Those are the few (emphasis on few) that welfare was designed for. Not the lazy. And in their defence, why not? Many people who work are litereally being pentalized for having a job and their own health care coverage. You are almost better off not having any insurance and simply saying you can't afford it.
Then there's that word again. "Pride". It can be seen along side "Hard Work"

1 comment:

  1. If my sweet daughter wrote this commentary, its a proud moment for me. Amen to that! and its defense
